RECOVER - Optimizing the Plastic Waste Collection System in the Informal Sector

RECOVER - Optimizing the Plastic Waste Collection System in the Informal Sector


RECOVER - Optimizing the Plastic Waste Collection System in the Informal Sector
Green Economy
4/2021 - 12/2023


The current collection process for recyclables in Vietnam combines formal and informal channels, resulting in an inefficient, multi-layered system. Focusing on the informal sector, collection starts with the waste pickers who pass recyclables to aggregators (collection centers and consolidation centers). These parties sell the materials to a network of traders, some of which add little to no value in the value chain. Traders then often sell to ‘downcyclers’ (i.e. those who do not properly treat recycled materials) instead of certified recyclers.

This setup has contributed to the country’s environmental challenges. With a long coastline, Vietnam is one of the world’s largest contributors of land-based plastic leakage to the ocean1. To prevent further harm to the environment, significant changes must be implemented to improve collection services, close leakage points within the collection system, and facilitate effective recycling programs. This call to action prompted a new collaboration between the Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST) and ALBA Group to better integrate the informal sector into the collection system for recyclable materials and improve the working conditions of the individual waste collectors who are the foundation of the system.


- Improve the working conditions and efficiency of waste collectors by supplying them with appropriate gear

- Increase the collection quality and volume of waste plastics by training and empowering contributors at various points in the waste collection system, particularly aggregators

- Achieve the daily target collection volume of post-consumer PET plastic to support the longterm goal of stable and productive waste collection

- Launch a digital decentralized trading platform to connect different members of the waste collection and recycling value chain.


Aggregators & Waste pickers are qualified and increased their income through capacity building training & consultation program
Tonnes of PET collection volume achieved per day
Digital trading platform is developed to connect aggregators, traders, recyclers and other stakeholders of the waste management value chain


RECOVER - Optimizing the Plastic Waste Collection System in the Informal Sector