


Health & Sanitation
2023 - 2024


The World Health Organization states that 90% of all cervical cancer related deaths occur in the low-income and middle-income countries. Vietnam has seen a steady increase in cervical cancer cases in recent years. However, as an emerging country, Vietnam struggles to develop long-term health infrastructure that most developed countries have and therefore lags in terms of advancements in cancer treatment.

A therapy using radiation (known as Image-Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy, or IGABT for short) has been clinically proven to drastically improve cervical cancer patient survival rates by up to 25% over 4 years when added to existing forms of cancer treatment. This project seeks to address the issues that Vietnam has with IGABT-insufficient training infrastructure, insufficient local expertise, and insufficient trained Health Care Professionals (HCPs).


This project aims to scale up and improve the cervical cancer treatment capabilities in Vietnam by building three fully equipped in-country training facilities, that will deliver Image-Guided Adaptive Brachytherapy (IGABT) training using an internationally-developed clinical curriculum.


Health Care Professionals (HCPs) in Vietnam's leading cancer hospitals trained 3 Fully equipped training centers


PHASE 1 “Partnership development”

Connect with relevant stakeholders and local partners to have their support in implementing the project by tackling the objectives, activities and 1 proposed target beneficiaries.

PHASE 2 “Training curriculum design & Training center set-up”

The training content covering treatment concepts, clinical science, application techniques, and hands-on practice has been designed and created by dedicated global experts. The training material will be localized and translated to fit the Vietnam's unique situation. The training center will be set up in three selected key-hospitals in the North (Hanoi), the Central (Da Nang) and the South (Ho Chi Minh City) of Vietnam to ensure sufficient long-term teaching capacity. They will all be equipped with specialized medical training equipment (specialized IGABT training equipment required for the Hands-On Module).

PHASE 3 “Training”

Training sessions will be delivered primarily online. Hand-on sessions will be conducted at the local training sites while trainees across Vietnam will travel to their preferred training location for their respective sessions.
