HAPPY Vietnam

HAPPY Vietnam


HAPPY Vietnam
Health & Sanitation
07/2020 - 07/2022


For decades, Vietnam has remained as one of the developing countries grappling with a high percentage of child stunting. Vietnam has made strides in their commitment to curbing their stunting rate. Despite these, the stunting rate is still higher compared to Vietnam's geopolitical neighbors. This has led to serious disadvantages for Vietnam, including learning difficulties among children, low income, limited community participation, and overall hampered productivity and growth of the country. The HAPPY Vietnam Project seeks to address stunting in children from vulnerable communities in Vietnam. The project will provide training on "Nutri-Eating" consultant sessions for the parents, and medical screening for children.
Training sessions for Health Care Professionals (HCPs), parents, and school teachers on effective health and nutrition practices will be provided. Throughout the project, digital campaigns will be launched to ensure greater impact and reach, as well as higher chances of replicability and scalability.


+ Raise awareness and capacity of teachers, medical staff, and parents about the causes and effective treatment of stunting in children.

+ Reduce the rate of children stunting and malnutrition through training, counseling and communication pro­grams to raise awareness in the community.


Parents trained in the normal growth and development of their children; ways to ensure nutrition as well as pay attention in the right way at the right time to reduce the risk of rickets and malnutrition in children
Children from the provinces and cities under the project scope are screened and health checked
Kindergarten and primary school teachers trained in the normal growth and development of children; practice to ensure the physical health of students
Healthcare personnel (HCPs) from hospitals are trained in the detection, diagnosis and prevention of rickets and malnutrition in children


1. Community Review

Accomplish a community research and mapping amongst the northern region and central highland cities with highest children stunting rates. The info/data collected will be taken as inputs to the development of program materials.

2. Development of Training Materials

Develop training programs tailored to the specific needs of parents, teachers, and health care personnel with the professional guidance of the Vietnam Association of Diabetes and Endocrinology (VADE).

3. Training Delivery

Conduct training programs to raise awareness and capacitate teachers, parents, and HCPs about the normal physical development of children; effective nutrition practices; detection, diagnosis, and prevention from stunting and malnutrition in children.

4. Screening and Medical Examinations

Conduct Medical Examinations amongst Vulnerable and Potentially Stunted Children from identified communities.

5. End Line Data Gathering

Conduct a final data gathering to estimate the overall impact of the intervention of the project activities.

6. Communication

The open-sourced website: www.happyvietnam.vn acts as a learning hub for public and medical professionals to learn more about children stunting in Vietnam and informing about events during this project. Visitors can also download training materials and articles for reference and learning purpose.

HAPPY Vietnam